Is this you?Do you have steel industry experience but are frustrated with traditional ways of working and association with dirty industry? Can you play a role in driving true change?We are looking for...
Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At Stegra, we are building an impact company with ...
Is this you?Do you have steel industry experience but are frustrated with traditional ways of working and association with dirty industry? Can you play a role in driving true change?We are looking for...
Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At Stegra, we are building an impact company with ...
Forskning visar att kvinnor och andra underrepresenterade grupper inom vår bransch ofta tvekar att ansöka om de inte uppfyller de flesta krav i en tjänstebeskrivning. På Stegra bygger vi ett impact-fö...
Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At Stegra, we are building an impact company with ...
Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At Stegra, we are building an impact company with ...