Jobs in Others - cities
Linköping 458 jobs
Helsingborg 457 jobs
Gävle 344 jobs
Eskilstuna 330 jobs
Jobs in Others - professions
Kitchen helpers 301 jobs
Legislators and senior officials 275 jobs
Mechanical engineering technicians 272 jobs
Commercial sales representatives 253 jobs
Building caretakers 236 jobs
Specialist medical practitioners 219 jobs
Home-based personal care workers 213 jobs
Accounting associate professionals 212 jobs
Management and organization analysts 191 jobs
Civil engineers 180 jobs
Employment agents and contractors 174 jobs
Policy and planning managers 153 jobs
Pharmacists 140 jobs
Systems analysts 115 jobs
Stock clerks 111 jobs
Special needs teachers 110 jobs
Civil engineering technicians 109 jobs
Personnel and careers professionals 108 jobs
Service and sales workers 104 jobs
Social welfare managers 103 jobs
Transport clerks 93 jobs
Heavy truck and lorry drivers 91 jobs
Manufacturing managers 91 jobs
Electronics engineers 88 jobs
Sales demonstrators 86 jobs
Software developers 86 jobs
Systems administrators 72 jobs
Customer services clerks 71 jobs
Education managers 70 jobs
Secondary education teachers 68 jobs